18 Brilliant 'How-To' Tips Shared By People Online That Get The Job Done

I can't tell you enough how much I love #LifeHacks. They can be such lifesavers, no? I don't know about you, but I like to get through my day as efficiently as possible, and that's a fact.

So when I stumbled upon this amazing Reddit group where people share easy tips to get things done, I was pretty thrilled. Here are just a few of such tips I have found. You're welcome.

This 'Google' Cheat Sheet

Who here loves to "Google" everything. Oh, yes, that's me, ha, ha! But do you know how to Google like a pro? Well, once you familiarize yourself with this chart here, you will. Don't you love that?

This Juice Box Trick

Ladies and gentlemen, I must be a genius because this is how I pour my drinks anyway. I had no idea there was another way. So I can attest that this indeed works perfectly. Try it — you'll see.

This Plant Watering Solution

Going on vacation and don't have anybody to water your plants? I've got you covered.

Place a pot of water on a step stool on your counter. Arrange your plants around it. Run strings from the pot to the plants, and the water will leach down to the plants. Voilà!

This Phone Trick

Have you ever talked to somebody on the phone who bored you to death? It's you, Dave, lol. So if you want to end that call quickly, just use this trick. The caller will never know, and you'll be off the hook, ha, ha!

This Mask Wearing Hack

It must be hard to wear a mask all day long. Thank goodness I don't have to do that. But if you're developing blisters or sore spots, here's something cool you can do: The old trusty paperclip can do the trick.

This Splinter Extraction Idea

Fill a wide-mouthed water bottle with hot water nearly to the brim. Then press the affected part of the hand to the mouth of the bottle. The suction will pull down the flesh, and the steam will draw out the splinter.

This Reno Project Organizing Idea

If you ever need to disassemble a piece of furniture, do yourself a favor and organize all the screws. You can use a piece of cardboard to do so. That way, it's a lot easier to assemble it later.

This Difference Between Heat Exhaustion Or Heat Stroke

It can be hard to distinguish between heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and the response will be different in both cases. So use this helpful graphic and you'll know if you or anyone experiencing this particular scenario.

This Parallel Parking Hack

If you've ever struggled with parallel parking, here's a nifty hack for you. The only problem I see here is finding so much space in real life. If you can do that, then you're pretty much halfway there, ha, ha!

This Egg Cooking Hack

Who here loves boiled eggs? I do, I do. But there's a method to getting that perfect egg just the way you like. Check out this chart, so you know exactly what to do and get cracking.

This Dog Rescue Cheat Sheet

I just want everyone to know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on dogs because after all, I love dogs more than people. If this saves your pet, you'll be the happiest person in the world.

This Kid Medicine Trick

Kids are notorious for being fussy about taking medicine. So here's a nifty trick you can play on them. Hide the medicine bottle behind their favorite drink, and they'll be guzzling it up in no time, hee-hee.

This Proper Apology

Did you realize that there's a proper way to apologize? I bet many of us make mistakes, and this will help you ensure that you own up to your mistakes without making the other person feel bad about it.

This Car Jump-Start Guide

I honestly never had to jump-start a car, so I wouldn't even know where to start. If you're in the same situation, this guide here should pretty much tell you how. Now, just find a donor with jumper cables, and you're good to go.

This Ice Fall Self-Rescue

If you ever happen to find yourself falling through the ice, this hack here can literally save your life. I'm so grateful for this person who took the time to show us this. It's absolutely amazing. Isn't it?

This Family Tree Explainer

This helpful chart finally answers the question of how you tell your first cousins apart from your first cousins twice removed. I honestly always wondered how all those labels worked out.

This Driveway Shoveling Solution

Shoveling a driveway after a snowstorm is a thankless task, but somebody has to do it. Am I right? So why not do it in the most efficient way possible. I think I like this idea here.

This DIY Yarn Protector

"This is how my wife protects her yarn from the cats," one Reddit user shared.

Wow, that is so handy. Even if you don't own cats, this is a great storage idea for keeping yarn clean and free of tangles.

I love all these life hacks here.

Some of them can actually save your life, and that's no joke. I'm so grateful to people online for posting such interesting and helpful information for all of us. Which one of these tips would you find the most useful in your life?