The Search For A New 'James Bond' Has Officially Begun

Alicia D'Aversa
Daniel Craig as James Bond
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | MGM

The James Bond franchise is one of the biggest in the world, even though it doesn't come out with movies or TV shows every year. With iconic names attached such as Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig, and Sean Connery, it's hard not to love the iconic action thrillers.

But now, a new man is coming to take on the role. Who is that man? We have no idea, and right now, neither do the movie producers. But the search is on, and they want someone who will commit to it for at least a decade.

'James Bond' is looking for their new hero.

Daniel Craig as James Bond

Producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson are looking for someone who is willing to commit about a decade of their life to the role. It's still very early days, but they're working hard to find the perfect person to play the part.

“A lot of people think, ‘Oh yeah, it’d be fun to do one,” Broccoli said. “Well. That ain’t gonna work.”

Daniel Craig as James Bond

Wilson added, “It’s a big investment for us, too, to bring out a new Bond.” “That’s why, when people go, ‘Oh, who are you going to get?’ it’s not just about casting an actor for a film. It’s about a reinvention, and ‘Where are we taking it? What do we want to do with the character?’” Broccoli said.

“And then, once we figure that out, who’s the right person for that particular reinvention?

Time will tell, but we're certainly excited to see who they end up choosing. While Idris Elba has stamped down all rumors of his joining, I have to say, I'm secretly hoping that he comes out and admits it was a lie!

Time will tell!

H/T: Variety