Robert Downey Jr. Reacts To Quentin Tarantino's Marvel Criticism

Chisom Ndianefo
Robert Downey Jr
Flickr | akhilmurali97

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the biggest comic-book live-action remake in theaters and now streaming services. However, the film industry has an ongoing conversation about whether its box office gross is enough to qualify it as a quality production.

The latest commentary on the MCU and its negative effect on Hollywood is from the renowned filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. Still, his comments didn't go unnoticed by Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr.

Many industry bigwigs disrespect MCU movies because it relies heavily on green screen, Computer Generated Image sequences. Also, the dialog is often watered down for a young audience, thus perpetuating tropes and shallow storytelling.

A Superhero To The End

Downey Jr. played Iron Man, the tech billionaire who creates a superhero tank suit and uses it to save the world alone and later with the Avengers. During the end of the MCU's third phase, the universe killed Iron Man, a.k.a. Tony Stark's character (in Avengers: Endgame) after an eleven-year run.

However, Downey Jr.'s departure from the universe hasn't hindered him from defending it outside the studio. He had a few words for Tarantino, who believes the MCU ruined Hollywood.

The Marvel-ization Of Hollywood

Close up of Quentin Tarantino
Flickr | Hardcore Shutterbug

Tarantino believes that the MCU focuses on the actors' characters rather than the people telling these stories, thus fading the classic Hollywood phenomenon of movie stars. He said,

"Part of the Marvel-ization of Hollywood is…you have all these actors who have become famous playing these characters, but they're not the movie stars..."

In reply, Downey Jr. said it's a double-edged sword as the individuals add the charisma that makes the characters memorable.

Iron Man Defends The MCU

When it came to his personal opinion, Downey Jr. said it's a waste of time for Hollywood key players to argue over the authenticity or otherwise of the MCU in the industry. He believes there's room for every kind of movie, just as there are several types of audiences.

Downey Jr. appreciated the profound productions which got sequels this year - Avatar with The Way of Water and Top Gun with Maverick. He's not using it as an excuse to produce lackluster movies but wants his peers to understand that the world is changing.

There's Enough Room For Everyone

Downey Jr. further highlighted his new productions now that he's out of his MCU contract. It includes the moving docuseries of his late father, Robert Downey Sr. He told Deadline that he's working on new projects about transformative characters very different from Tony Stark in the MCU. He ended his opinion with,

"Before we cast aspersions on each other — undergo your own renaissance and see if it doesn’t change your mind a little bit."