Reddit Disagrees With Father Who Kicked 20-Year-Old Daughter Out Of His House

Chisom Ndianefo
Excerpt from the reddit post.

Today on another story of parents using their children as an emotional replacement for a spouse, we have a father who kicked his 20-year-old out. Losing a spouse, either to death or abandonment, is always hard, especially if there's a child involved.

Most people then transfer their affection to the child, which is unhealthy because once that person grows up, they'd get separation anxiety. That's the case of this Reddit user on the famous, Am I The A-Hole thread as he struggled with the potential separation and alienated his daughter.

He's not sure he was entirely wrong, so he asked other Redditors to judge the matter.

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Father And Daughter Clash Over Stringent Rules

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The Daughter, Isabella, Won't Talk To Him

The poster is a middle-aged man with a 20-year-old daughter whom he's raised as a single father. According to his account, the mother left in a drunken fit eighteen years ago, leading him to ban his child from drinking alcohol in the house.

He also prohibited her from getting drunk or high outside and then returning home in that state. More rules for a continued stay in the house included three days of work and doing chores on her off day.

The daughter, Isabella, rebelled against the rules some weeks ago and accused her 45-year-old father of babying her.

He got angry and sent her out of the house with 200 pounds saying he didn't care where she went because 18 is the legal age in the UK for moving out of the house. Never mind, the UK is experiencing one of its harshest winters ever.

He's A Jerk

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He Used Her For Labor

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He Replaced His Wife With Isabella

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The UK Is Experiencing A Case Of Winter Blizzards

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He Needs To Communicate Better To Save His Relationship With Isabella

Reddit users couldn't take the inhumanity displayed by the father, whom they accused of replacing his wife with Isabella. He complained of her financial dependence but failed to realize that his restrictions affected her ability to make substantive money from work.

Also, she was right in saying people her age did worse drugs than alcohol; if he cared that much (he seems to), he should've explained her mother's alcoholism to her.

It's also possible that Isabella found her birth mother, and they're back in contact, as it'll explain her sudden courage to rebel against the rules she's used to.

One user spoke on behalf of abused children saying they wished Isabella never spoke to her father again. We hope they find each and work things out, although the poster mentioned that the 20-year-old hasn't responded to any of his calls since the fight.