Woman Uninvited Her Grandparents From Her Wedding Over A Gift

Valeria Cova
Excerpt from the original reddit post.

Weddings are a celebration of love; however, brides tend to be anything but lovely. This bride used her stress as an excuse to treat her grandparents horribly when in reality, it was all about money.

The story was shared by her grandmother, who clarified is a new user on Reddit. She appeals to the AITA community because she wants an impartial opinion about her granddaughter's behavior, but she should be happy to find out everyone is on her side.

OP explained that she and her husband have five grandkids, and the youngest got married in October. They have a tradition of getting them the cheapest thing on the registry to surprise them with a $40K check so they can buy a house or anything, but the check had been a secret from the rest of the family.

The couple prefers not to tell anyone about the money, so they do not expect it when it comes to a new wedding. She said that with the last grandkid, they intended to do the same, but it didn't go as they had planned.

This time they bought her granddaughter an air fryer and sent it in advance. She called them furious to tell them they were cheap and that they didn't love her enough to get her something better, so they talked it through and got her a China set too. Still, they decided she wouldn't get any money.

All Of The Grandkids Got The Same Gift

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She Didn't Deserve The Money

A couple of days ago, the soon-to-be bride talked to her brother, who told her about the money, thinking she would've received it too. She then spoke to the rest of the grandkids and found out they all got the same.

When she confronted her grandparents about it, they confirmed it and told her she didn't deserve it because of how she reacted, to which she responded it was all because of the stress of the wedding.

No matter how much she cried, OP and her husband were still firm about her decision, even though she threatened to uninvite them from the wedding and not attend the Christmas celebration.

Everyone in the comments was upset about their granddaughter's reaction; they pointed out she was spoiled and was only interested in the money rather than their grandparents' presence on her special day.

Users also highlighted that she didn't have to call them about the air fryer; it was rude and far from classy. Comments said it was the right move because it is OP's money, and they don't owe her anything.

She Clearly Only Cares About The Money

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It Was Very Rude Of Her

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She Asked For An Air Fryer

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