Woman Gets Stepsister And Family Banned From Christmas Visit

Ashley Hunte
Comment from the thread.

Christmas should be a time when the family gets together and has a fun, joyous time. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who just want to ruin it for everyone else.

A woman on Reddit had a pretty negative situation with her family, which resulted in some of them getting banned from the upcoming Christmas celebrations. The only problem is, she believes that their banning might have been her fault to begin with. She went to the AITA sub to tell her story, as well as ask if she truly was the one in the wrong.

Using A Throwaway Account, The User Shared What Happened.

The user shared her story.
reddit | throwaway-xmasmess

She also shared some updates.
reddit | throwaway-xmasmess

OP And Her Stepsister, Jess, Each Have A Daughter.

A room decorated with trees and toys for Christmas.
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

OP, Jess, and their respective daughters and husbands were all staying with OP's parents for Christmas. One morning at around 10, the two children were upstairs playing and being a little too loud. Jess's husband, Paul, marched into the room and yelled at them both without any warning. He was the only person in the house who was still asleep at the time. This upset OP, who was angered by the fact that Paul yelled at her daughter as well as his own.

OP talked to her stepdad about it later and said that she was leaving with her family because she didn't want to deal with Paul's belligerence. The stepdad decided that it was Paul who should leave, promptly telling him to go. Jess protested, not wanting to be there without her husband. She accused her dad of siding with OP over his own daughter. They eventually did leave.

OP has received several texts from Jess stating that OP ruined their Christmas and her relationship with her dad. Now, she's wondering if she took things too far.

The Comment Section Is... Somewhat Divided.

Users said OP did nothing wrong.
reddit | NJtoOx

Commenters picked up on the fact that OP implied that Paul yells at his daughter pretty often. They also applauded OP for taking a stand and getting her daughter out of that situation.

Many Argued That 10 Is Not Early In The Morning.

Some argued that it wasn't that early.
reddit | Archer4040

The kids being loud at 10 am is pretty normal. It's not like it was 5 in the morning or something ridiculous like that. For most commenters, it seemed like Paul was overreacting for no reason.

Others Felt That OP Was Just As Wrong As Paul.

Others argue that the kids being up there was rude.
reddit | Jensooverstupid

For some, they felt that the kids being loud upstairs was rude. Others even felt that OP might've taken things too far by trying to leave after Paul yelled once. But OP gave some more info in some updates to her post, stating that Paul often yells and that the kids were only up there for a short time.