Women Who Never Had Children Get Honest About Their Lives Now

Kasia Mikolajczak
three women
Unsplash | Adam Winger

As women, we have often been expected to, at some point, get married and have children. That's been the long-standing norm. However, things have changed in a big way. These days, many more ladies are making life decisions for themselves, and they don't necessarily fit into the mold.

Someone in the Reddit women's community recently asked, "Women who didn't follow the social norm of getting married & having kids — what are you doing instead?" And the answers ladies provided might surprise you. So let's check it out.

This Bold Answer

Woman in a field in the sun
Unsplash | Jackson David

"Being a full person who isn't defined by what she provides for other people?"

This is a good point. Nobody should feel pressured to live a life that wasn't meant for them. If this is your choice then good for you. Stick to your guns.

This Dream Life

Woman eating in bed
Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

"I can sleep til whenever, go out on a whim, travel, run my business, play computer games, afford to buy a flat in the most beautiful city in the world (highly biased, but I guess it's my opinion that counts on that one ha, ha). It's bliss for me, but I have friends who went the other direction and absolutely thrive with their lifestyles, too!"

Oh my goodness, I really do love that. My motto in life is "live and let live," and this lady is doing just that.

This Fun Lifestyle

woman dancing

"Eating chips and watching TV at 3 a.m. I will wake up around 1 p.m. tomorrow. I will go to my job as a bartender at 5 p.m. tomorrow. By the end of the week, I will joke that I'm tired of partying. But I won't actually be — I'm gonna dance to a DJ and destroy my eardrums this weekend like I do every weekend."

Ha, ha, sounds fun, right?

This Coupledom

Couple by a camp fire on the beach
Unsplash | Manuel Meurisse

"Staying with my long-term boyfriend for life. We may get married. We may not. I kinda just want to be engaged forever lol (and I want to get him an engagement ring too!) We’re never having kids. Instead, we plan on traveling the world! And focusing on our careers and hobbies."

Right on!

This Honest Answer

Woman holding a cat
Pexels | Pexels

"Working to pay for my cats' expenses, lol."

Ha, ha, ha! I'm dying at that. Okay then. Seriously, though, this woman is pretty much a mom — a cat mom. Those rascals can be more trouble than kids, so I hear her loud and clear.

This Real life

crying baby

"I have a job which I actually like, party with friends, go alone on holidays, hook up and live my best life without a screaming poop monster holding me down."

Amen, sister. I say, do what makes you happy.

This Life Plan

Unsplash | Sieuwert Otterloo

"Halfway to a paid off house, living with my animals, successful in my career, dating someone that may or may not develop into something long term. There are more pros than cons for me to not being married with kids (and possibly divorced) in my 40s."

I dig that.

This Life Choice

Women with food and drinks
Unsplash | Kelsey Chance

"I married fairly young (24) but we are openly childfree. I'm also the breadwinner and my husband works part-time and does almost all the household stuff. I get to spend my evenings doing whatever I want. Playing games, chilling with my husband, going out, and seeing friends. Everything parents did before they had kids? I just kept doing that."

That's awesome.

This Happy Human

Woman getting a massage
Unsplash | Raphael Lovaski

"49 here. Self-employed massage therapist, make my own hours, my own house, and make enough money to keep my three feline gluttons fat and happy. I’m solidly lower middle class with my income and I would be absolutely screwed if I had kids. The odds of single parenthood were just too high and I wasn’t willing to chance it. No regrets here."


This Decision

Woman smiling
Pexels | Pexels

"Moving to different states, changing careers because I feel like it, living a reasonably good life on 30k, and enjoying a banquet of men. I'm almost 50 and I have never felt I was missing out. A marriage of less than 3 years gave me a taste of that white picket fence life, and it's not for me."

I hear you!

This Free Lifestyle

House with sunset
Unsplash | Gus Ruballo

"Currently, I’m drinking coffee and watching the sunrise. My house is on a mountain and I have a beautiful view. Also, I bought this house with cash. On Friday I’m leaving for Vegas for a quick weekend trip. Did I mention I quit my job a month ago because I didn’t feel like working there anymore? I started a new job this week but it was nice to take a month off to finish my office renovation."

Oh my, that sounds so sweet, huh?

The Best Of Both Worlds

Woman with child
Unsplash | Sai De Silva

"Currently helping my sister raise her kid! She's a single mom by choice and I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds right now. I love watching my nephew grow up and I feel like it's completely satisfying any maternal urges I have. And at the end of the day, I still have my freedom and independence."

I completely understand that.

This Truth

Two lesbian women
Unsplash | Brian Kyed

"Being gay, kicking goals, going to travel in the near future. Oh, and I'm disappointing my parents."

Ha, ha, aren't we all disappointing our parents in one way or another? I feel like this all the time, so you're definitely not alone.

These Life Circumstances

Woman standing next to white car
Unsplash | Kristina Petrick

"I have traveled to 20+ countries solo. Live in a poppin' part of the city, bought a white couch, a luxury car, plan to retire early…but the most important thing I do is work remotely so I can visit my amazing nephews as often as I wish. I didn’t ‘choose’ to not follow the social norm of getting married/having kiddos, I’ve just dated piles of garbage that inherently prevented that from happening. Then one day I looked in the mirror and turned 40, so I suppose I’m now too late for the bio-kids party. Oh well!!!!"

Honestly, we can't control everything. Life happens and as long as we are happy that's all that matters.

This Freedom And Peace

Couple in bed watching Netflix
Pexels | Pexels

"I got married but I'm not ever having kids. My husband worked from home today and we drank margaritas in bed and booked a holiday. Aside from having the responsibility of a dog I pretty much do exactly what I want to. I'm aware some of that privilege comes from money, rather than not having kids, but not having them has afforded me an incredible amount of freedom and peace."

Hmm, sounds good to me.

These Many Lives

Young woman in the kitchen rolling dough
Pexels | Pexels

"Living many lives. I was a morning baker at a corner bakery in a small town. I was a stripper in a big urban city. I was a roadie for a punk rock band. I was a manager in a large packaging warehouse. Now I'm a budtender at my corner pot shop. I don't like a place? I get up and move across the country, sleep in my car until I find a job. I want to live a bunch more lives. I love the freedom and never want to give a shred of it up."

Wow, that's impressive, huh?

This Best Life

Smiling woman
Pexels | Pexels

"I'm 60, never got married, never had kids. What have I done instead? Lived my best life. It's been fantastic, so far. Had a successful career. Launched a successful second career in my 40s. Retired early (which I never could have done with a spouse and children). Traveled all over the world when I was younger. Indulged all my hobbies (reading, quilting, cooking, gaming). As someone else so aptly put it: Whatever the [expletive] I want."

Ha, ha! That sounds pretty amazing to me.

This Realization

Woman in a graduation gown
Unsplash | Ryan Hoffman

"I’m single with no children. I just booked a trip to NYC and one to Mexico in the summer and planning a trip to Europe for the fall. I’m thinking about getting a second master's degree and after seeing these responses, I’m thinking why the hell not? I have money and time to pursue my interests and because of that, I’ve gotten to know exactly who I was. It turns out I like me a lot."


Oh, wow! What an impressive bunch you ladies, huh?

Woman drinking a glass of wine
Giphy | ABC Network

These amazing women prove that you don't have to fit the norm. You just have to do what works for you. Don't worry about the pressures the world tries to push on you. As long as you do what makes you happy, then, the life you chose for yourself is right for you. I'm in total agreement on this, and you?