Woman Seeks Advice After Realizing She Slept With Her Mom's New Bf

Ryan Ford
A blonde woman holding her head in her hands
Unsplash | Abigail Keenan

It's not exactly earth-shattering to say that relationships are complicated. Heck, even just finding someone to have a relationship with is a minefield and a half. You need the help of a good support network just to have a chance at love.

For one family, however, a completely unpredictable complication sprung up, and they turned to the internet for help.

So, what do you do when your mom introduces her new boyfriend, and it's someone you've slept with before?

A dark-haired woman resting her head on her hand and looking pensive
Unsplash | Kyle Broad

Here's hoping it's not a problem that comes up too often — but it's the situation one Reddit user finds herself in.

Posting to Reddit's r/relationshipadvice community, the woman is clearly in need of some guidance.

As she explained in her post, her mom hasn't dated much.

A woman sitting on a rock overlooking a valley
Unsplash | Denys Nevozhai

OP, who says she's 23, wrote that her 40-year-old mother has been single most of her life, prioritizing the family over dating.

"My mom deserves love just like any other person," she wrote, "she's put us first for so long that it was time to put herself first for once."

She said she was initially happy for her mom after she met a guy.

Two pairs of hands touching as they hold cups of coffee on a table
Unsplash | Jonathan J. Castellon

But when her mom introduced the guy, things immediately went sideways.

"I instantly recognised the guy because we slept together a few times last year," she wrote. "I kept my cool in front of everyone but internally I was freaking the [expletive] out."

Which is a very understandable reaction!

One face highlighted out of a crowded street
Unsplash | Andrej Nihil

The guy recognized her as well, she wrote.

"I know he knows as well since he came up to me when we had a second alone and asked me not to tell my mom."

But, OP doesn't think she can keep that rather important piece of info from her mom.

A woman on a street wearing yellow overalls with one hand on top of her head, looking troubled
Unsplash | Joseph Frank

"I want to tell her but I don't want to hurt my mom," she wrote. "I really don't want her and him getting super serious or worse him becoming future step dad or something.

"How do I tell her without breaking her heart or her hating me?" she concluded.

The Reddit community did have some advice for her.

Scrabble tiles spelling out "Speak Truth"
Unsplash | Brett Jordan

And it was pretty clear that, yes, she needs to tell her mom.

"Better to tell her now rather than the day before their wedding," one person wrote.

"She needs to know to decide to stay or leave. It's not right for anyone to keep this from her especially not her daughter," another agreed.

Some also pointed out that the guy wanting to keep it quiet isn't a great sign.

A red flag blowing in the wind atop a flag pole
Unsplash | Carson Masterson

"Him not wanting to tell her is also a huge red flag....starting a relationship on a lie is not a recipe for a healthy lasting relationship," one person wrote.

"I can't believe he is willing to go through with the lie. He is definitely scum," another commented.

But, bottom line, the consensus was that she needs to tell her mom, and soon.

A typewriter with a page reading "Truth" on it
Unsplash | Markus Winkler

"There's no nice way to say it. But it's important she knows, and her boyfriend wanting to hide it says a lot about him," one person wrote. "I'd do it soon though, she'll be more upset if she thinks you were talking about her behind her back."

"It’s going to be a very uncomfortable conversation but it needs to happen as soon as possible so your mum can make an informed decision about the future of the relationship," another wrote.

OP later updated her post to say that she was taking the advice to share the info with her mom.

A mom and daughter with arms on shoulders, backs to the camera, outdoors at sunset
Unsplash | Roberto Nickson

But rather than having a sit-down, heart-to-heart, she was writing a letter.

"I think that's a good solution. That way I can say what I want to say without stumbling or saying the wrong thing in the moment," she explained.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!