Reddit Divided After Divorced Dad Shared He Won't Pay For Son's Dental Surgery

Ashley Hunte
Excerpt from the original reddit post.

There's a reason why most divorces happen: former couples realize they don't get along very well. And when that happens, there's always the chance that things end up messy. And it's always worse when kids are involved.

A Reddit user named AdmirableShallot155 opened up about how, after his own divorce, he ended up paying for more of his son's expenses than his ex-wife does. But the tables turned when she was responsible for paying for the son's dental surgery. Now, he's asking AITA if he's in the wrong for refusing to pay a cent.

The User Shares His Stroy.

The user tells his story.
reddit | Admirable-Shallot155

OP Pays For The Bulk Of The Son's Expenses.

Dental tools on a tray.
Unsplash | Jon Tyson

Per their divorce settlement, OP must pay for their son's private schooling, while the ex-wife pays for insurance and childcare. OP also mentions that he makes a lot more money than his ex.

They found out that the son, 8, has a tooth that needs to be surgically removed. The ex asked OP to pay half of the $3000 that would not be covered by insurance, and he refused. The ex doesn't have that kind of money and had to resort to taking out a loan to cover it. Meanwhile, OP had the money and could've paid if he really wanted to.

He also implies that he would've ended up paying for the surgery if the ex-wife was absolutely out of options.

The Comment Section Was Pretty Conflicted.

Some sided with OP.
reddit | ListenPast8292

Some argued that OP was not in the wrong. He mentioned he would've paid if it meant avoiding any unnecessary delays, which makes him less at fault. The ex-wife, meanwhile, seemed to believe she could get away with paying for less of her son's expenses. Many users believed she should've done a better job budgeting for emergencies.

Others Believed OP Was In The Wrong.

Others sided against OP.
reddit | TieFew8487

Some commenters felt that OP was acting out of spite for his ex-wife, rather than out of love for his son. He also seems to make more money than his ex, which puts him in a better position to pay for unforeseen costs.

Many Also Argued That Both Parents Were At Fault.

Both parents kind of suck.
reddit | Dipping_My_Toes

Most users felt that there was at least a little fault on both sides. At the end of the day, whether they like each other or not, they have a son together. For the sake of the kid, both parents should act a little more amicably toward each other.